Pros and Cons of Corn Diet Fed Beef

Motion-picture show a cow. A happy, normal cow. What colour is information technology? Where is it standing? Is it past itself? You probably pictured a herd of black-and-white, spotted brownish, or perhaps classic black Angus cows, grazing serenely outdoors on lush pastures, basking in prairie sunshine. Even so 97% of beef in America is corn-fed, in enclosed feedlots. Why?

America feeds cows corn because 97% of cattle producers in America today have 3 concerns: coin, efficiency, and speed. Their goal is to raise the largest number of cattle, for the least amount of money, in the quickest amount of time. It takes a long fourth dimension, years in fact, to naturally fatten cows on grass. Commercial cattle producers desire to make money apace and found that cows get fat chop-chop -- in about half-dozen months -- when fed a diet of by and large corn.

Why practice cows get then fat, so fast, eating corn? Corn of course is higher in calories and fat than the fibrous establish matter of grass. Notwithstanding, complications may occur when any creature eats a diet that it is not able to digest. When cows are fed a bulk corn diet, they may suffer a from number of health problems including obesity, bloating, inflammation, ulcers, polio and paralysis. Diseases such as "dust pneumonia," "feedlot polio," "acidosis," and "rumentitis" are all serious and potentially fatal disease that 97% of cattle producers must argue with -- all due to unnatural diet of corn, grain, and mysterious "past-products" that most beefiness-eaters would rather non even remember about, similar "plumage meal" (footing-up poultry feathers), and even, bizarrely, bakery waste. Given the obvious and numerous health implications, why do 97% of cattle producers use corn and grain as chief feed?

Before World State of war 2, most Americans had never eaten corn-fed beef. During the state of war, need and production of grain product increased. After, demand decreased and farmers were left with an excess of product. The government offered to help by subsidizing sure crops, such as corn and soy, to guarantee payment to farmers regardless of demand for the production. American farmers, no longer subject to the economical whims of supply-and-demand, continued producing an extraordinary amount of corn and soy. With an excess of these products came ingenious ways to use them. In addition, Americans started eating more meat while spending less money on food. The demand for beef increased and an excess of corn led to the practice of corn fed beef. By 2008, these two forces has been at play for nearly sixty years and corn-fed beefiness had go the norm in America.

Carter Country does it differently. We are not "cattle producers" trying to cutting costs at the expense of health. We are non feedlot owners. We are families. We are cowboys. We are ranchers. We are stewards of the land, and nosotros employ generations of ranching knowledge, the knowledge that'south in our claret, to responsibly, and respectfully, accept care of the cattle in our accuse, to allow them live the longest, happiest, healthiest lives, and so that they can help you and your family alive long, happy, salubrious lives besides. Our beef is unlike -- it's non just rare, it's the rarest beef in the globe. Our cattle graze for a minimum of 4 years, on tens of thousands of acres of wild Wyoming lands, from iv,000 to 10,000 feet in height. They enjoy a various, wild nutrition of natural grasses, supplemented carefully with a small amount of grain that has been fermented to make it more hands digestible. The result? The best beef you've ever had. The flavor is non just in the steak, simply besides in the fat. We call it "grass-fed aureate." The natural fat that our cows develop occurs over a number of years, and the high levels of nutrients in the wild grasses contribute a gorgeous gilded hue to this precious fat that coats your natural language with the terroir of the Wyoming Wild Due west. Most people oasis't seen grass-fed beef that is as marbled as the coveted Wagyu. Virtually people haven't savored the "grass-fed gold" fat melt in their mouth. Most people haven't tasted the complex and rich terroir of beef that has eaten a various wild diet, that has aged naturally in its life, then aged again to concentrate that intense flavor and promote tenderness in all muscles and cuts. Then once again, near people aren't you. And we're not well-nigh cattle ranchers.

Our forefathers who lived on the grassy open plains of the American West and Midwest establish that these gentle giants possessed an amazing ability to turn gristly grass, boxy by humans, into protein-rich meat. Cows are ruminants, which means they're a kind of mammal that are able to plough cellulose, the almost common organic compound on earth, into steak.Their complex and sophisticated digestive arrangement allows for efficient digestion of large quantities of plant matter. Having a ruminant stomach is a major advantage in the Wild W where the most arable resource is grass. It makes sense that our forefathers, looking over vast expanses of grassy plains, started domesticating and raising cattle, those astonishing gentle giants that turn plants into meat. Nosotros at Carter Country learned ranching tradition from our fathers and grandfathers. Then, nosotros proceed learning, to provide our friends, family, community and world with not just meat, but the best meat y'all've ever had.

We at Carter State go along to tradition and the natural way, allowing our cows to roam, provender and graze on our xl,000 acres of pristine Wyoming land, arable with various grasses and watered by 27 natural springs. We allow our cows to live naturally longer lives, to slowly and happily fatten up on their natural, healthy diet. Nosotros don't only take intendance of the cows, we take intendance of the land. We respect tradition but we are always willing to acquire. Nosotros explore regenerative practices, nosotros embrace bio-dynamic methods. Nosotros don't just raise cattle, we raise our kids on the ranch. We accept care of our pet pig, Peaches. We train horses, we catch toads, we sentinel birds. We are gardeners, nosotros are parents, nosotros are teachers. We are cowboys, we are ranchers, we are Carter Land.

Written by Kaley Sutton


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